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All it happened Suddenly !

That time we lived in Auckland. I was in class XII. My board exams were nearer. I was studying hard for scoring good marks in my final exams as I was a moderate student. Finally, the day came when our exams started. We all reached our exam center by the reporting time on our admit cards. Our class used to seat in a room with students of another school, after getting the question papers they all start watching each other's face. This was like, how our exams were going on for a week and came to an end. After the end of the examinations, I went to Switzerland for a trip with my family and we enjoyed there a lot.
           After 2 months when my results were nearer, my routine was fully changed. The laziness feel in me started disappearing and I used to wake up early, I praised god daily for my good results. My nervousness was getting increased as my result day was coming nearer. The sip of horror was knocking at our doors! The day of the result came up. Can I get good marks? , Can I score much better than other students? , Can I pass out with a good aggregate? This type of horrific question was arising on my mind and I was getting tenser. Finally, I took a deep breath and checked my results on the internet. I was shocked to see it. After seeing it I got depressed, know why?
                  I got a bad grade on my attendance because I used to study late nights before three months of my examinations and I slept late, so I can't attend my school for days. But, the joy in my heart started after seeing that I scored out 87% of the total and I was the second-highest scorer in my class in commerce stream. After that I joined St. Peter's College in Auckland for a Bachelor's degree. I used to go to college daily. One day, I met a girl named Lisa in my college. She was of our class in our batch but, I haven't noticed her from the beginning. I talked to her daily, we became friends. The fact was that I liked her very much but couldn't tell her because of fear of losing a friend inside me that was rising. It was the day of our annual concert arranged in our college. Finally, I decided to propose to her. I dressed up well, took a flower bouquet and a box of American chocolates for her. I saw her sitting on the gallery beside the ground. I chilled up my mind and went to her taking those belongings in my hand. I sat beside her, "Hey, it's anything special there today?" she asked. I said "No! Nothing so like that." and smiled. "Are you going to propose someone?" she asked me. "Yes" I replied! "Who is that lucky girl, may I know?" she asked me. "It's you, Lisa, I fell in love on the first day when I saw you. I was just waiting for a perfect time to tell you. I love you Lisa!" holds the Bouquet and the box of chocolate in my hand in raising position. She said "Stood up James, see the fact is that actually, I already have a boyfriend! He lives in London, we met on a social networking site last year. It will be better you be with me as a friend. " She said.
"You should all notice a thing when you get a surprise devastation, your mind gets sentimental and you get to do whatever your mind wants without judging it right or wrong!"
Similarly, what happened with me. I threw the gifts in front of her in the ground and smashed it with my foot. "If I can't stay with you as your love, then what should I do the fetish being your friend!" I answered her harshly. After that incident I stopped talking to her and started diverting my mind on other thoughts. The years passed by and I completed my After that, I applied for Management studies, abroad in Germany and decided to stay with my Grandparents. The day I went there, I was feeling lonely. I don't have any friends there, I was missing my Mom and Dad too. Sometimes tears used to come into my eyes. My college was haven't started yet. I used to go to the supermarket with my grandpa, my grandma was too caring about me. She used to cook my favourite stuffs more of the time. My college started at the beginning of June. The first day of my college was going on well, up to I met a teacher who taught me for my spiky hairstyle and told this is not allowed here, get a look over it as soon as fast. Oh….come on it's a college. I can wear, look, go whatever I want. At least, I was attending classes for weeks as I was a new student.

One evening, I was going to the gym for my workouts. When I was coming out of my lane, I stand still in the way out, I saw a stunning girl, standing on the balcony of her house. Her smile on the face took my breath away and her smile was enough to take out my pain inside. It just changed my atmosphere! She was very attractive. I was lost in her beauty, when she danced her eyebrows towards me and laughed. I came out of the thoughts and smiled in shyness and started walking towards the gym. At night after getting dinner done I went to sleep. The fact was I can't feel sleepy, her thoughts were just troubling my mind though I was tired at the end of the day. I was just thinking about her eyes, her long curly hairs follicle behind, smile on her face which was just making me happy at that moment. I was just thinking to get her and grab her in my arms and kiss all day, well that was not my main intention! I fell in love for the first sight of her beauty. The next day, while I was going to my college, I saw her and followed her from behind. I was just following her like a temptation in a dog following someone for food. I followed her till her college gate. She used to study at the University of Freiburg. I saw her many times with her friends for her college. I followed her many times but couldn't get a reach of her.
          One day, I saw her in a stationery shop. She went there for her mobile recharge. I noticed her many times at that shop. I started visiting it daily for buying my items there. I also use to smoke cigarettes there sometimes and used to talk with the shop owner. Mr. Slam was the owner of the shop. A man of 50 to 60 years of age, wearing around the tight cap on his head, spectacles over the eyes, a mustache that was unmaintained and having beardy chicks and wearing an old coat with a torn collar. He was a tall good man with a lite behavior. He has an old conditioned shop which doesn't run too much these days, full of dust and full of spider webs. I and Mr. Slam the owner of the shop used to gossip every day for minutes and became the best partner.
"Remember that for a matter of work, you have to do many things those you don't want where age doesn't matter always!" I could also know the details of that girl by paying the owner a hundred bucks but, the details may be false and if go against then, I could also be in great trouble. So, I decided to make my personality clear towards him.
While talking to him, I raised the topic about that girl. He asked "Which girl are you talking about?" I gave him the vivid description of the girl and said I don't know her name. "Can I know something more about her?" Mr. Slam smiled a little and asked, "Is there something going special between you or her?" "It's not like that like what you're thinking," I replied. "I know her very well" he said. "How? " I asked. "Her name is Valencia." He replied again. I also came to know from him that her father and Mr. Slam were friends from the school days and still now also. Her father was a forest officer. After her father's retirement he came back in their own house in Germany and now living there. I felt bad after listening that, she lost her mother when she was only 2 years of age. Her father's duty was outside the country and he kept housemaid, who used to take care of her. She was alone from her childhood. So, her father gave my identity to her and said her to buy useful belongings from me for her college whenever she wants. She uses to visit Mr. Slam's shop from her childhood. After the conversation with Mr. Slam I handed him a hundred bucks in his hand and said "keep it uncle, you need those!" He replied, "No, I can't take those, it will be shameful for me." I took a packet of cigarettes from his shop and said "Is it ok now?" He smiled at replied "Thank You, that's my first earning of the day till morning."
                          The next day, I finally decided to follow her because I wanted to talk with her. I woke up early, dressed up myself for college. I was just waiting outside the lane to come her out. She came out of her house and I followed her till the road beside her college gate. She met with her two friends and were discussing something while going inside the college. I called her from behind, "Vaa... Valencia." They turned back to me and the girl beside her asked, "Who are you? How do you know her?" I said "I want to talk to her, can you all please go, I will take only a few minutes" Valencia replied, "Tell whatever you want but in front of my friends, as fast as possible because we are late for our classes." "I saw you first time on that evening you remember?" I asked. "Oh yes that boy who was wondering me for minutes and lost somewhere else and she laughed again. "Yes you identified correctly, I fell in love with you that day, I was following you for days but I couldn't express it," I replied. One of her friends said, "How can she believe you?" and said he is a fraud Valencia, don't trust them. I told, "No, I'm not a fraud, please think about it, I'll never cheat it's my promise!" They haven't answered anything just turned back and started walking towards their classes. I ran behind them, pulled her hand and said "Are you ignoring me?" "Why do you think like that I love you?" She asked. "Your eyes speak that!" I replied. "Leave me let me go, you're judging it wrong Mr." She said harshly. "I will be waiting outside for your answer. If you really love me you, will come out during the half time between the classes." I said. She went inside and didn't say anything more. I was waiting outside for two hours. "Love is a thing, that will force you to do many things and will take you to many places that are unexpected." Since, I was waiting for too long. "Can I get the girl of my dreams today? Does she really loves me?" These types of thoughts were arising in my mind. I was getting stressed. But I was behaving positively. I decided to be strong from inside and said to myself "If she doesn't come outside, I'll be back home." It's very hard to forget someone whom you love too much and it hurts more when he or she doesn't reply to you! I looked at my watch it was noon. Suddenly, the bell rang and many of the students were coming outside the college gate. But, I can't saw her. "She will not come now, leave it. That was my fault I fell in love. Well every interrogation doesn't have exceptions!" I said to myself.  I will forget her. I took a deep breath, turned back and was just about to start walking back towards my home. I was amazed, when someone called me back from behind. "Wait"……..I turned back and was totally surprised to see it that it was Valencia.

She: Where are you going?

Me: I was going back home.

She: Why? You don't love me?

Me: I was standing for hours but, when you haven't came out I thought your answer is no you don't love me. It was me who was just wasting my time and disturbed you in the morning.

She: What's your name?

Me: Oh…..Hello! Sorry, I haven't told you my name before. I am James, James Walter.

She: My name is Valencia Klaus.

She came close to me and smiled. I asked "What's there to smile?" She replied "Listen Mr. I love you, you waited for me still I disregarded you in the morning. If you truly don't love me you won't stand still there in front of the house on that evening nor today in front of my college. If you can wait for me for hours, then You shouldn't leave me for my whole life, right Mr. James?" "Yes and I promise I'll be there for you forever!" I replied. She smiled and hugged me tightly. Tears of joy filled in my eyes and I smiled a little. She rubbed my tears with her hands and kissed me and said "Don't cry dear, many of the boys in my college proposed me but I couldn't find something special inside them so, I rejected. But, you are the conqueror of my heart, you just won it! She kissed me and said, "Bye, we will meet up later." We shared our phone numbers and we use to talk with each other. We also went for a date.
But the good thing in my life is that, after I completed my studies I was placed in an IT company in Germany. Her father Mr. Klaus accepted our relationship and he talked to my parents too before taking the decisions. They all agreed, we are married now and leading a happy life.

-Indrajit Kar.


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